All Devotions

First Intentions

Changing Circumstances (NASB) 2 Corinthians 1:15-16 “In this confidence I intended at first to come to you, so that you might twice receive a blessing; 16 that is, to pass your way into Macedonia, and again from Macedonia to come to you, and by you to be helped on my journey to Judea.” First intentions […]

Proud Confidence of the Believer in Christ

(NASB) 2 Corinthians 1:12 “For our proud confidence is this: the testimony of our conscience, that in holiness and godly sincerity, not in fleshly wisdom but in the grace of God, we have conducted ourselves in the world, and especially toward you.” Proud confidence is a clear conscience – that’s giving testimony by our conduct […]

Unseen Reality

(NASB) 2 Corinthians 5:7 “for we walk by faith, not by sight – ” The lesson of the spider’s “thread.” Picture a two story house.  It is early morning, the sun has just risen revealing a new day. The sunlight reveals a thin thread reaching from the roof to the deck or porch below.  A […]

Prayer’s Effectiveness

  Paul asked followers of Christ to pray for him and those with whom he was working and traveling.  Paul knew the effectiveness of prayer, he was afflicted in many ways and he needed prayer. (NASB) 2 Corinthians 1:11 “you also joining in helping us through your prayers, so that thanks may be given by […]

God is my Deliverer (Savior)

  Affliction: under pressure.  The writer of 2 Corinthians wrote about being afflicted.  He was “burdened excessively beyond” his strength.  So much so that he “… even despaired of life…” This was the actual experience of people who lived during the days of Christian persecution under the Roman Caesars.  They faced physical death.  They chose […]

Trust God – Never Myself, Ever!

  Where do we place our trust?  If we place trust in ourselves, we are defeated before the battle begins, we are “dead in the water.” (NASB) 2 Corinthians 1:9 “indeed, we had the sentence of death within ourselves so that we would not trust in ourselves, but in God who raises the dead;”   […]

Be Strengthened by God

Afflictions come that burden us beyond our strength.  Afflictions keep us under pressure. (NASB) 2 Corinthians 1:8 “For we do not want you to be unaware, brethren, of our affliction which came to us in Asia, that we were burdened excessively, beyond our strength, so that we despaired even of life;” Where do we turn […]

Confident of God’s Comfort

If Afflicted (NASB) 2 Corinthians 1:6 “But if we are afflicted, it is for your comfort and salvation…” Our response to our afflictions can be used for others’ comfort and salvation.  What we project impacts the lives of others. When followers of Christ are afflicted, it is for the glory of God!  How many times […]

Abundant Comfort

(NASB) 2 Corinthians 1:3, 5 “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” 5 “for just as the sufferings of Christ are ours in abundance, so also our comfort is abundant through Christ.” Even as followers of Christ, how often do we focus on the negatives of our sufferings? Reality Check: Our […]

Remember: God’s comfort in afflictions

  Affliction – is being under pressure.  What are some major afflictions?  Death of a loved one, moving and relocating, changing jobs, ostracism and persecution for faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, traumatic accidents, natural disasters – what is my affliction today? Afflictions may cause anxiety.  Our anxieties and fears are real to us. Remember […]