All Devotions

Dismay, Perplexity, Fear & Hope!

Dismay, Perplexity, Fear & Hope!   The forces of nature – natural disasters over which people have no control – are frightening.   Hurricanes, typhoons, tornados, earthquakes, tsunami’s, fire, floods, ice, snow, winds; all are impossible for people to control.  People have learned how to use the wind (windmills to draw water, to generate electricity) […]

Dire Picture of Unbelief

  Jesus did not paint a pretty picture as He was standing in the Jerusalem temple.   Jesus did give the people warning of what was to come.   Even today the nations surrounding Israel are unfriendly toward that tiny country.   God is the God Who calls this Jewish nation His chosen people.  They […]

Warning! Warning! Warning!

  Jesus knew the end time scenario then and it has not changed today.  His prophecy has various stages of fulfillment.   Much prophecy indicates a “near” time of fulfillment and a “future” time of being fulfilled.    The Scriptures this devotional is considering occurred as recorded in the Book of Acts in the New […]

Prayer of the Week

The prayer of the week is based on Psalm 2:12   How wonderful are Your words of truth, living God of the Bible.  How meaningful they become as circumstances drive me to You.    Your word tells me to “Kiss the Son” by paying homage and worship of Him.  You are the Judge of all […]

Do Not Be Misled

    Jesus had just told His followers and the people around Him (while He was in the area of the Temple treasury) that this beautiful building would be torn down to the ground, not one stone would be left standing on another.   Then He was questioned: (NASB) Luke 21:7 “…‘Teacher, when therefore will these […]

Difficult Circumstances

  Beautiful buildings and ancient edifices of antiquity are preserved.  Even during war, many times, a beautiful building of significance will be left untouched.   Jesus probably was standing in the Temple area as He spoke to the people around Him.  (NASB) Luke 21:5-6 “And while some were talking about the temple, that it was […]

Jesus looked, He saw, He said

  Jesus was standing in the treasury of the Temple on that last week of His life.  He was closely observing men and women as they put their gifts of money into the treasury box. (NASB) Luke 21:1-2 “AND HE looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the treasury. 2 And He […]

Jesus – Listen to Him

  Jesus never minced words, nor was politically correct as He warned of the religious scribes’ hypocrisy.   Jesus was the same wherever He went, in private or in public.  He is the same, yesterday, today and forever.  What a LORD to serve, to worship, to follow!  (Hebrews 13:8)   How disappointing it is when […]

Who was King David’s LORD?

  The scribes and the chief priests, the Sadducees, had rejected Jesus as Messiah.  They were interested in only one thing – to “get” Jesus.  They were out to have Him killed and they wanted to have it done by Pilate’s authority.  They wanted Jesus dead by the authority of Rome.   Jesus had answered […]

Prayer of the Week

Prayer of the Week The prayer of the week is based on Psalm 121:1-2   What do I need to do today, Lord?  I need You!  So, I come, lifting my eyes to what You have created.  From where does my help come?  Why, it comes from You, the Creator.  You are the One Who […]