All Devotions

The Day of Atonement

  Good Friday…the day believers in Christ remember the day Christ Jesus died on a cross outside the walls of Jerusalem. It was the day when Christ offered Himself as the perfect sacrificial Lamb of God. It was the day when Christ entered into His Father’s presence with His perfect blood as an offering for […]

Description of the Tabernacle

  The first covenant detailed divine worship in the earthly sanctuary.  The tabernacle was a tent, used during the days of wandering in the wilderness by Moses and the people of Israel. The tabernacle was used for sacred purposes, set up in the middle of the camp.  The Lord God loved those men and women, […]

God’s superior covenant ~ Jesus Christ

  God the Father appointed His Son, Jesus Christ, to the office of High Priest.  It is the High Priest Who mediates between the sinner and the holy God.  Jesus Christ as High Priest brings about a superior covenant of grace over the old covenant of the Law.  The new covenant rests upon more important […]

Shadows & Substance

  It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words.  The living God used “pictures” to explain His reality. God’s pictures are not shown on a screen of any kind. He uses “pictures” as a shadow to reveal the substance of His reality.   His “pictures” are of real people, real places and […]

Prayer of the Week

The prayer of the week is based on Luke 24:36-44 Your word tells of how Jesus, the resurrected Jesus, appeared to His followers.  You verified His resurrected life. He said to His disciples, ‘Look at My hands and My feet.  Touch Me, I have flesh and bones you can see and feel.’ These men were […]

High Priest & Majesty in the heavens for eternity

  Jesus, the appointed High Priest by God the Father, is now seated at the right hand of the Majesty in the heavens. (Hebrews 3:1-2). God the Father is the Majesty in the heavens.  These “heavens” are beyond the Hubble telescope and beyond people’s seeable knowledge.  These “heavens” are not imaginary; they are God’s reality, […]

Jesus ~ Eternal High Priest

  The Levitical priesthood was from the priestly line of the tribe of Levi.  There was a change in the priesthood, once Jesus died and rose again; the change was from the Levitical priesthood to an eternal priesthood.  With the change came the needed change in the Law. The tribe of Judah is now the […]

Some Reasons You Need Jesus

  What are some reasons you and I need Jesus?  First, we are sinners and we need Jesus to save us from God’s wrath on our sins. There are other reasons…and a few will be explored in this devotional. The living God used an obscure man, Melchizedek as a “picture” or “type” of Messiah, Jesus […]

Recorded History of Melchizedek

  Who was Melchizedek?  He suddenly appears on the pages of the Old Testament in the book of Genesis.  He suddenly encounters Abraham, patriarch of the Jewish nation. Abraham rescued his own nephew Lot from four conquering kings with his own 318 trained militia.  He defeated the conquering four kings and regained Lot and Lot’s […]

Melchizedek: king and high priest

Who is Melchizedek?  (NASB) Genesis 14:18-20 “And Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine; now he was a priest of God Most High. 19 He blessed him and said, ‘Blessed be Abram of God Most High, Possessor of heaven and earth; 20 And blessed be God Most High, Who has delivered your enemies […]