John”™s Testimony

The dictionary”™s definition of testimony: 1. A declaration or affirmation of fact or truth, such as that given before a court. 12. Any evidence in support of a fact of assertion; proof. 4. A public declaration regarding a religious experience. John”™s testimony did all the above. (NASB) John 1:29-31 “The next day he saw Jesus […]

“˜Pictures”™ from God

Wise parents prepare their children to “˜leave the nest”™. Helping a child to mature and grow is time consuming and is a great demand on parents. Parents use many methods of teaching their children. Being a godly example, setting limits (and keeping those limits), explanation of what is expected in their children”™s attitudes, words and […]

Look! The Lamb of God!

On the Friday before Easter, all Christendom celebrated “˜Good Friday”™. It is considered “˜Good”™ because the followers of Christ had their sins atoned for by the Son of God when He was scourged with whips tipped with jagged bits of bone and stone. It was the cross which became the sacrificial altar for the Lamb […]

John Understood “¦

John the Baptist had baptized Jesus, Who then went into the wilderness to be tempted”¦and John had continued to baptize many. At least 40 days and 40 nights passed and once again John the Baptist is the focus. A delegation of priests and Levites had questioned him: “˜Who are you?”™ Are you the promised Messiah […]

Jesus, The Lamb of God!

As Jesus was scourged with whips tipped with broken fragments of bone and rock ““ He took our punishment for our sins, mine and yours. He became the sacrificial Lamb Who was without sin. He is the only One Who could have made this sacrifice acceptable to the holy God (Who is without sin). There […]

Who Are You?

There is a children”™s book called, “Are You My Mother?” A duckling is searching for its mother and asks various farm animals, “˜Are you my mother?”™ The animals had no interest in this motherless duck. [By the way, the duck does find its mother on the very last page.] The religious leaders in Jerusalem were […]

Facing the Enemy”¦

As a follower of Christ, when we face an enemy there are three things we can know: 1- Our enemy is powerful 2- Our enemy has been defeated by Jesus Christ on the cross and through His resurrection 3- God is greater than our enemy Jesus faced His enemy, the devil, and the temptations. He […]

We Have a Choice”¦

Along what lines are you tempted? Perhaps you are tempted to take the easy way out, or you desire to satisfy your wants. Have you been tempted recently and were you successful in resisting that temptation only to be faced with an even bigger temptation? Jesus faced three temptations that came rapidly, one following on […]

Time For A Check-Up

A car needs to be periodically checked. Tire pressure, tires rotated, change of oil and windshield wipers in good condition are some of the basics of having a vehicle that runs as it was meant to function. Have you checked your car recently? A physical check-up is important to your health ““ a doctor runs […]

Knowledge of God”™s Word

Knowledge is power, have you heard that said? Knowledge of what God has said will give you power to withstand temptations. Knowledge of God”™s words can be used in your life, your thinking, your actions throughout your day ““ are you using your knowledge? When Jesus”™ three temptations came after His baptism, He used the […]