Jesus Christ ~ Immanuel! (God with us)

Genealogies are important reference points for one’s heritage, notable ancestors (or not so notable ancestors) and it also establishes legitimate succession to position and/or property. Your family tree will show how you came to be through many generations. You are important and so were your ancestors, no matter who they were. The lineage of David […]

Christ Alone is Worthy

The blessing that was given to Boaz, Ruth and Naomi was given down through the ages and will not only be for today but into eternity…we have been blessed through the Lord Jesus Christ Whose lineage included Obed, the son of Boaz and Ruth, the grandson of Naomi.(NASB) Revelation 5:12 “… “˜Worthy is the Lamb […]

The Blessed Hope

Blessings are expected by God’s children. And we are to recognize and praise God for His blessings in our lives. However, we need to acknowledge Jesus Christ ~ that He is to be blessed by those He has redeemed. “˜Listen’ to what the writer of Ruth says about blessings… (NIV) Ruth 4:16 “Then Naomi took […]

Restorer of Life

(NASB) Ruth 4:15 “May he also be to you a restorer of life and a sustainer of your old age; for your daughter-in-law, who loves you and is better to you than seven sons, has given birth to him.” ***Naomi had been blessed with a daughter-in-law who loved her. Then she was blessed with a […]

God’s Greatest Blessing

Hurricane Ike left devastation and destruction as it swept through many states. It affected more people than those that felt the fury of wind and water. The price of gas and the resulting increases in food and other items was passed on to all consumers. Each one reading this devotional was impacted in some way […]

God’s Plans are for Eternity

People like to make plans for their future, for their careers, for their vacations, for a variety of reasons. Sometimes those plans go along smoothly without a wrinkle or a “˜hiccup’, other times those plans are turned upside down. Some people clutch their plans to themselves and defy anyone to change them; others have the […]

Being a True Witness

True witnesses are an integral part of any relationship and ministry. You can be a witness to this devotional, if it is meaningful and helpful to you in knowing Jesus Christ. Sharing this website with family and friends would be one way to witness to God’s words. It is not the website itself that is […]

Witnesses to God’s Contract

Witnesses in a court trial give invaluable information to what they have seen in specific instances. Their testimony is valid to what they have previously seen. When buying a house, when a peace treaty is signed by nations, there are witnesses to the signatures on the contract or the treaty. Being a witness is a […]

God’s Contract

When a contract is executed, we can say “˜signed, sealed and delivered’. What joy and a sense of accomplishment is felt by all who are involved. And I believe that God also has JOY when anyone comes to Him through the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior. When you or I, or anyone, asks Jesus […]

God’s Integrity Fulfilled His Contract

(NASB) Ruth 4:7 “Now this was the custom in former times in Israel concerning the redemption and the exchange of land to confirm any matter: a man removed his sandal and gave it to another; and this was the manner of attestation in Israel.” ***In the days that judges were the rulers in Israel, the […]