Hurricane Ike left devastation and destruction as it swept through many states. It affected more people than those that felt the fury of wind and water. The price of gas and the resulting increases in food and other items was passed on to all consumers. Each one reading this devotional was impacted in some way from Hurricane Ike.

Where can there be blessing found in that? Blessings come in many forms…many people were praying for those affected by this storm. People rallied together to help in many ways. Plans for helping were implemented. How many cried out to God as they faced the catastrophe of lost possessions and homes, even life itself?

A hurricane had not come into the lives of Naomi and Ruth but hard things had happened to them, they were both widows. Ruth was a blessing to Naomi -is your life a blessing to others, no matter your circumstances?

(NASB) Ruth 4:13 “So Boaz took Ruth, and she became his wife, and he went in to her. And the Lord enabled her to conceive, and she gave birth to a son.”

***Marriage may not result in heirs. Ruth had no children through Mahlon, her deceased husband. In fact, Naomi had no grandchildren through either of her two deceased sons. Naomi had come back to Bethlehem from Moab a bitter woman.

(See Ruth 1:20)

(NASB) Ruth 4:14 “Then the women said to Naomi, “˜Blessed is the Lord who has not left you without a redeemer today, and may his name become famous in Israel.”

***The women of Bethlehem recognized the Lord’s blessing on Naomi, she had a grandson through the union of Boaz and Ruth.

What can be deduced from this fact? Many receive a blessing when others are blessed. And it is not only a present blessing but many can be blessed in the long-term.

Think about this: All who have received Jesus Christ as their Savior have also received the blessing that was given through Boaz and Ruth. It is through their son that Jesus Christ’s lineage came.

Through the birth of Obed, God’s choice of Redeemer (the Lord Jesus Christ) came into the world. Have you remembered Obed’s name, is he famous? Don’t think so! But Jesus Christ is famous in Israel, and He is the One Who redeems all who turn to Him for salvation and help to live a godly life.

Have you been blessed with God’s greatest blessing,

the Lord Jesus Christ?

How shall you now pray?