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Confined … yet learned to be content

Two men, one in Pharaoh’s jail (Joseph) and one in a Roman jail (Paul) hundreds of centuries apart. Both exhibited what they had learned to do… they learned to be content in their circumstances. Both could say, “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13 Consider Joseph: even imprisoned, he was […]

People are Important to God

Egypt’s Pharaoh imprisoned two of his high ranking servants.  They were there for some time under the charge of another prisoner – Joseph. (NASB) Genesis 40:5 “Then the cupbearer and the baker for the king of Egypt, who were confined in jail, both had a dream the same night, each man with his own dream […]

Who was Potiphar?

Potiphar bought Joseph as his slave.  Potiphar came to value Joseph and his diligence in carrying out the responsibilities given to him.  Potiphar put Joseph in charge of his household and fields.  He had great confidence and trust in Joseph.  He also recognized that Joseph’s God prospered all Joseph did.  (Genesis 39:1-6) This same Potiphar […]

Immanuel ~ God is with me!

The difficult circumstances in our lives, many times, are not changed by God.  He may not change our circumstances, our jobs or our marriages.  But, He changes us for His purposes and His glory in those very situations. Take Joseph’s life as an example. (NASB) Genesis 39:21-23 “But the Lord was with Joseph and extended […]

The Crucible of Circumstances

Crucible: a severe test or trial; especially, one that causes a lasting change or influence. The crucible of testing in challenging circumstances… will result in refinement and maturity. That sounds wonderful, doesn’t it?  However, it will be up to the individual involved whether he/she is refined and matured by God’s hand.  Rejecting or resenting God’s […]

Let Your Light Shine

Jesus said of His followers: (NASB) Matthew 5:14-16 “You are the light of the world.  A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; 15 nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. 16 ‘Let your […]

Wrongfully Accused

Have you ever been wrongfully maligned and accused? False, self-righteous accuser’s, are many times, skillful at manipulating circumstances and people and the apparent evidence. Those same types of accusers have done their undermining, divisive work before – and found it to be effective. The anguish and sorrow, when wrongfully accused, cannot be expressed or understood […]

Lies & False Accusations

Joseph’s decision, words and actions were godly responses to the adulterous wife of his master.  (Genesis 39:7-12) How did this woman respond?  She lied and falsely accused Joseph after his refusal of her unwanted advances. (NASB) Genesis 39:12-18 “She caught him by his garment, saying, ‘Lie with me!’  And he left his garment (cloak) in […]

Godly Responses in Ungodly Circumstances

How do you respond to ungodly attacks?  What need’s to be done before those attacks come? Joseph is an example of a man who gave godly responses in his ungodly circumstances.  Before those unexpected attacks he had trust and faith in his God, the living God of the Holy Bible. Joseph was a slave who […]

Key to true success

The key to true success – the Lord is with me and when He is with me, success follows. (NASB) Genesis 39:2 “The Lord was with Joseph, so he became a successful man.  And he was in the house of his master, the Egyptian.” As his master watched Joseph work day after day, he noticed […]