The Older will Teach the Younger

Mentoring helps people to grow and mature as one person shows by words and example how to deal with life. A good friend of mine has said that it is wise to nurture relationships with godly people who are older (they can give godly counsel), those who are the same age (they can give old […]

God Remembers His Mercy

When a child is promised…something…that child will remember what was promised until it is given. When a husband or wife promises their mate something that promise will be remembered until it is fulfilled. Broken promises hurt. They hurt the relationship and a trust is broken. Unrealistic expectations are assumptions of unspoken promises – this can […]

Spiritual Hunger is Satisfied by God

Whenever you have had a great need met – thankfulness should be the overwhelming response. God is ready to meet your great need…He has desired to bless anyone who has turned to Him in the past, in the present, and He will bless in the future. To recognize the benefits He wants to give you […]

God Scatters the Proud

God has much to say about pride and the proud…beware, be warned…for God does not put up with pride – in anyone. Where does pride begin? It begins in our hearts, the deepest part of our thinking and being. How subtle pride takes hold on our thinking…O Lord, search me and know my heart, try […]

The Strength of God

Consider believers who are being persecuted for their faith…there are many today…being tortured, imprisoned for their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. The Voice of the Martyrs has evidence and testimonies of such Christians. Their stand has been taken and they are paying a price…in doing so, what a witness to you and to me. […]

God’s Magnificent Mercy

Families pass heirlooms from generation to generation…they pass their name on from generation to generation. God’s family cannot pass their personal relationship to God on to their children. They can pass the evidence of their faith onto their children – then their children must make their own decision to choose or reject the Lord Jesus […]

In Awe of God’s Majesty and Might

Relationships can be wonderful, or difficult. Relationships with family, in the work place, in the neighborhood, even in the church can be wonderful…or difficult. It is a mix that is complicated. People want to be loved. It is hard to love others unconditionally, yet that is what we want for ourselves, isn’t it? To be […]

Mary’s Magnificat of the Lord

So many times people praise…themselves or others, but seldom God. To know the Lord is to praise Him with all one’s being. As you read the following verse from Psalm 103…do so as praying to the Lord God Almighty. (NIV) Psalm 103:1 “PRAISE THE Lord, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy […]

Mary’s Journey…to Elizabeth

A journey that is filled with anticipation and even excitement may be one you remember as a child, going to see family that lived a distance from you. How eagerly you may have looked out of the window of the car, train or plane…to see if you could recognize landmarks. The holidays are fast approaching…family […]

Mary Accepted God’s Will

When life gets in the way of what I want, what is my train of thought? Do I ignore God and do, or say, whatever I want? Do I intentionally and stubbornly insist on my way or will? If so, am I sinning against God? Mary had a choice of believing Gabriel’s message from God […]