So many times people praise…themselves or others, but seldom God. To know the Lord is to praise Him with all one’s being. As you read the following verse from Psalm 103…do so as praying to the Lord God Almighty.

(NIV) Psalm 103:1 “PRAISE THE Lord, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name.”

When Mary heard Elizabeth’s words of awe and joy she responded by magnifying God her Savior. It soars to the upper reaches of the heavens with praise and adoration to the living God. Exalting God, for He had done the impossible…for Elizabeth and Zacharias and for Mary also. Mary understood the majesty of God and her relationship of worship to Him.

(NASB) Luke 1:46 “And Mary said: “˜My soul exalts the Lord,'”

Mary exalted and magnified the Lord with her mind, her emotions, her will, her whole being. She poured out praise and adulation to God Who had done the impossible.

This is Mary’s response to Elizabeth’s declaration that she (Mary) was the mother of the long awaited Messiah.

How often do you exalt the Lord just because…?

Understanding the majesty of God will lead us to worship Him in awe, praise and adoration!

As a follower of Christ: Think of all the benefits He has given you…sins forgiven; diseases healed; life redeemed from the pit of hell; crowned with God’s own loving-kindness and compassion; satisfies your desires with good things; strength renewed; brought out of the oppression of sin, Satan, and death. (See Psalm 103:2-6)

How will you now magnify the Lord…

(NASB) Luke 1:47 “”˜And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior.'”

Mary revealed her exuberant joy in God, He was her Savior! Her joy was not bound by shame (as many portray her because she is an unwed mother).

(NASB) Luke 1:48 “”˜For He has had regard for the humble state of His bondslave; For behold, from this time on all generations will count me blessed.'”

Mary revealed her attitude of humility as a servant of God.

What do your prayers reveal about you…

Elizabeth had stated this truth and Mary took it up…”˜For behold, from this time on all generations will count me blessed.’

Mary recognized her status among women, she indeed was most blessed by God to be chosen to carry the Lord Jesus Christ…the Son of Man, the Son of God.

Perhaps you will use the words of Psalm 103 as your prayer to the living God:

(NIV) Psalm 103:1 “PRAISE THE Lord, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name.”