Consider believers who are being persecuted for their faith…there are many today…being tortured, imprisoned for their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. The Voice of the Martyrs has evidence and testimonies of such Christians. Their stand has been taken and they are paying a price…in doing so, what a witness to you and to me. They are claiming God as their God and Savior through their sufferings. We can pray for them to be strengthened with God’s might, to stand firm through the pain. And we can learn from them the priceless value of faith in the Lord Jesus.

Mary rejoiced in God her Savior. She knew God had strengthened her because His strength had been exhibited throughout the history of Israel. You and I can find strength in our lives through faith in His strength for us. Can we make up the idea of being strengthened? No…it has to be God’s strength that sustains and keeps us in His hand. [See (NASB) Psalm 29:11 “The LORD will give strength to His people;

The LORD will bless His people with peace.”]

(NASB) Luke 1:51 “He has done mighty deeds with His arm…”

How has God shown His strength to me in my life?

Can you say:

God’s strength draws me through His Son and my Savior to Himself

God’s strength draws me to receive forgiveness for my sins through confession of them

God’s strength has defeated sin through the Lord Jesus’ work of dying on the cross. (His sacrifice was accepted by God the Father…I need Jesus as my Savior.)

God’s strength has defeated Satan through Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection

God’s strength has defeated death through Jesus’ resurrection from the dead

God’s strength is for this day in my life.

The Psalms are prayers to the living God…and you can pray for yourself and for others using God’s own words…blessing!!!

(NASB) Psalm 46:1-3 “GOD IS our refuge and strength,

A very present help in trouble.

2 Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change

And though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea;’

3 Though its waters roar and foam,

Though the mountains quake at its swelling pride. Selah.”

The Psalmist says Selah means…think about this!! Read the above Scripture again…even though catastrophic events are happening, events over which no one has control, our God is greater…our faith and trust are to be in Him, alone. Is yours?

How shall you now pray?