
Schooled by the LORD to Fear Him

Friday, July 1, 2022 there was a word left out of the second commandment. An important word. The word NOT. Thank you, for catching this. It should read: 2- “You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water […]

God’s expectation is for you to obey ~ by doing His commandments.

In times past: The LORD God identified Himself as Israel’s deliverer. Today: He delivers us from sin when we accept and trust the Lord Jesus as our Savior. Moses was given God’s commands.  Ten commandments are NOT ten maybe we should do them, but they are ten commands we are to live out in our lives. […]

Are You Prepared for the holiness of God?

Moses went up Mount Horeb to meet with God.  Moses did not wait, he went up immediately, while the camp of the sons of Israel was at the base of the mountain. The LORD God told Moses to remind the people that He brought them out of Egyptian slavery.  They saw the power of God […]

Grumbling is NOT trusting in God.

God is patient, over and over.  He was patient with the sons of Israel when they grumbled and complained after leaving Egyptian slavery.  They did not trust God.   They were thirsty!  They complained, loudly, to Moses.  What did Moses do?  He turned to the LORD in prayer: paraphrased – What am I to do with […]

Do You Eat at God’s table – Every day!

The delivered slaves, the sons of Israel, were like who we are, today.  Sad to say! They saw God deliver them out of Egytian slavery, and they immediately began grumbling & complaining!  They were upset with Moses and Aaron, it would have been better to die in Egypt where they had enough to eat.  They […]

God’s Faithfulness in Action for His People

Finally, Pharaoh let the slaves of Egypt go into the wilderness, with all their livestock and goods given to them by the Egyptians; gold, silver, clothing.     The LORD  did not lead these two million people by an easy road.  He did not want them to change their minds and go back to Egypt.  The LORD […]

Faithfulness in Action in taking us out of slavery.

Many times we wonder, is God in this situation?  It seems we are between a rock and a hard place or an impossible place.     Moses and those two million slaves leaving Egypt had to have felt that way.  What are you doing, God?  God led them in a difficult way.  In fact He led them […]

Remember!  That God delivered you!

Moses said to the fleeing people, remember this night, this time in your life.  When you left Egypt, when you went out from slavery by the LORD’S powerful hand.  Remember this day.  Exodus 13:3   Today we are also to remember the day when God delivered us from the bondage of slavery of sin, Satan and […]

Remember God’s Powerful Hand in Your Experience

Too many times, God works in our lives and we forget!     God told the sons of Israel to remember the dramatic night of the Passover in Egypt. About two million men, women and children left after midnight, walking out of Egypt. And they took their livestock.  What a crowd!    They carried unleavened dough, gold, […]

Enslaved Four Hundred Years ~ Prophesied!

There is a difference between escaping and being delivered.  Yet that is exactly what happened to the sons of Israel, slaves in Egypt.  They escaped by leaving when God said, Go!  They were delivered by God’s hand through 10 plagues and then the pursuit of the Egyptians through the wilderness to the Red Sea. Exodus […]