God is patient, over and over.  He was patient with the sons of Israel when they grumbled and complained after leaving Egyptian slavery.  They did not trust God.

  They were thirsty!  They complained, loudly, to Moses.  What did Moses do?  He turned to the LORD in prayer: paraphrased – What am I to do with these people, they are about to stone me!  God told him the next steps to do, take your staff and strike the rock at Horeb, water will come out, enough for all the people.  Amazing miracle!  They should have trusted God after this!  How many times does God do a work in our lives and we still don’t trust Him for the next need?

  An enemy came.  Moses told Joshua to select men to fight against Amalek.  While you are fighting them, I will be at the top of the hill with the staff of God in my hand. Exodus 17:1-9

  As long as Moses with the staff in hand and raised, Israel was winning.  When he lowered his hand, Israel began losing.  Moses was tired!  So the men with him got a stone for him to sit on, and they supported his arm with the staff in hand.  This fight went on till the sun set.  Hours and hours the fighting continued.  War is not for those who give up easily.  Finally, Joshua and his forces prevailed, overwhelming the Amalekites.  Exodus 17:10-13

  God was patient with His people.  God is still patient with His followers!  What are you grumbling about, today?   Perhaps you need to trust God for whatever you are grumbling about!

God’s Word ~ Alive!
2 Peter 3:9
“The Lord is not slow about His promise,
as some count slowness, but is patient toward you,
not wishing for any to perish but for all
to come to repentance.”

Are you still trying God’s patience,
by not coming to trust in Jesus as your Savior?