“Someone in the crowd said to Him, ‘Teacher, tell my brother to divide the family inheritance with me.’ Luke 12:13 NASB
“Someone in the crowd said to Him, ‘Teacher, tell my brother to divide the family inheritance with me.’ Luke 12:13 NASB
You are valued by the living God.
Having a healthy fear of His authority is a good thing.
Hypocrisy will be revealed; it does not stay hidden, it will be exposed.
How do I respond to godly rebukes and just criticism?
Are you a person who speaks using pleasant words which are sweet to the soul and bring healing?
Jesus began each of three rebukes with… “Woe to you Pharisees!”
In each instance Jesus pointed to what the Pharisees neglected, what they disregarded.
Jesus unmasked the appearance of godliness. He exposed the motives of taking from others (robbery) and wrong desires, sin-filled motives.
God’s promises are always fulfilled… at some point and in His perfect timing.
Always, always, be ready to change your motives, your thoughts, words and actions to please God Himself. Be ready to change your thinking to God’s way.
When you pray, do you pray according to God’s will? Or your own?