All Devotions

Prayer of the Week

The prayer of the week is based on Psalm 116:1-19 I love You, Lord!  You hear my voice and my cry for mercy.  I will call on You all my life. The fear of death causes great anxiety.  My cry is ‘Lord, save me!’  You hear my cries, thank You! You are gracious, righteous and […]

Accepting – or – Rejecting the True Hope

  Where is your hope?  Is it in yourself or another?  Or is it in your circumstances? God’s people, followers of Christ, are to hope in God and His promises.  That is the eternal reality!  It is also to be today’s reality for whatever our circumstances. Paul stood accused before Festus the Roman governor and […]

God used absurd circumstances for His purpose

King Agrippa and his wife Bernice swept into the auditorium with great pomp and ceremony.  They came and took their seats before the Roman governor Festus and the dignitaries of Caesarea.  Then the prisoner Paul was brought in to stand before these important people. (Acts 25:23) Paul, a prisoner, was brought before this group and […]

God the Holy Spirit at Work…

God the Holy Spirit prepared the hearts and minds of men of authority. The Roman governor Festus was new to his office in Caesarea.  King Agrippa and his wife Bernice paid him respects on the level of political diplomacy. While they were there over an extended period of time, Festus told King Agrippa about Paul […]

Being on God’s Timetable

 Are you somewhere you do not want to be?  Are your circumstances uncomfortable? Consider Paul, imprisoned in Caesarea for two years waiting trial.  Did he want to be there?  Doubtful.  Were his circumstances comfortable?  We do not know, but anytime one is in prison it is not a comfortable place to be.  We do know […]

The Roman Governor Festus

Festus Festus became the Roman governor ruling in Israel following Felix (who held Paul in prison for two years).  (Acts 25:1) Paul The prisoner Paul: waiting…waiting…waiting…for the ruling powers to decide his case. Paul’s adversaries Talk about tenacious enemies, the Jewish religious leaders, biding their time…to kill Paul.  They tried to kill Paul two years […]

The Roman Governor Felix

  Felix the Roman governor was in charge of Israel.  He summoned the prisoner Paul to stand before him and the Jewish religious leaders and their attorney.  The attorney misrepresented many of the facts as he presented their case against Paul.  (Acts 24:2-9) Felix listened.  Then he had Paul speak.  (Acts 24:10-21) Again, Felix listened […]

Prayer of the Week

The prayer of the week is based on Philippians 4:6   You are the unchanging God, the same in the past as You are today.  The same today as You will be tomorrow.  Therefore I can trust You. You tell me to not be anxious — about — anything!  And You tell me to pray […]

Paul’s Trial Continued Through Governor Felix

  Paul defended himself before Governor Felix in Caesarea.  His accusers stated their case against him then the governor signaled Paul to speak.  (Acts 24:1-10) Paul told of his actions of worshiping God in the temple.  (Acts 24:11-16) Paul then stated an important fact; some Jews from Asia, men who were absent should have been […]

Spiritual Worship

(NASB) Romans 12:1-2 “THEREFORE I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. 2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you many prove […]