Personal & Private

Have you experienced times when it is important to approach others through personal and private conversations? This happened in the life of Joseph.  He knew the time had come to reveal who he was to his eleven brothers.  For twenty-three years they thought he had died because of their actions. Joseph told all of his […]

Changed Life Attitudes

If you met someone who knew you twenty-three years ago, would they notice your life attitudes had changed for the better? This occurred in the time of Joseph when he was second to Pharaoh in Egypt.  He met his eleven brothers after twenty-three years.  He tested these brothers to see if their lives had changed […]

The Unknowns of Life

A gunman – attacked and killed unarmed and unprotected men, women and children in a Sunday morning worship service.  Those people who were killed or hit by that man’s bullets, did not know what would happen when they left their homes that morning. An unknown and horrific act of violent hatred would affect their lives […]

How Do I React?

When the Lord God gives His tests to examine my faith – how do I react in real time circumstances? Joseph’s brothers would be given another test, the biggest test they faced up to that time, how would they react?  That was probably what Joseph wanted to find out. (NASB) Genesis 44:1-2 “Then he (Joseph) […]

More Testing…

About the time I have finished with one test God has given me, another comes.  What is this?  Isn’t one test enough?  Not if we are to continue to grow and mature as God’s children.  He is a loving Father who desires His children to become more like His One and only begotten Son, Jesus.  […]

Observing Customs of Other Cultures

Followers of Christ – when we travel or live among people of other cultures we are to give respect to their customs. Arrogance is assuming “our” customs are better.  Are they? Joseph, second in command to Pharaoh, respectfully observed at least one Egyptian custom.  What was it? (NASB) Genesis 43:32 “So they served him (Joseph) […]

Love’s Covering

Have you ever experienced circumstances in which you were hurt, deeply hurt?  Perhaps you wanted to lash out in anger with a desire for vengeance to get even! What does God’s wisdom tell us? (NASB) Proverbs 10:12 “Hatred stirs up strife, But love covers all transgressions.” One example of love covering all transgressions: Joseph’s forgiving […]

Godly Wisdom to wait

What situations in your life need wisdom, Godly wisdom?  Only you can answer that. When should followers of Christ ask the living God for His wisdom?  The answer: in every situation – every day. Godly wisdom is needed in both the extraordinary times in our lives as well as the hum-drum parts of life. (NASB) […]

God-given treasure in your sack ~

Did you know follower of Christ, the Lord God has given you treasure in your sack? Ten brothers bought grain and after leaving Egypt, they discovered their monies returned to them in the mouth of their sacks.  Was there a mistake made?  Did this result in consequences in the future of buying more grain for their […]

What you may not know…

Do you have frustration, perhaps fear, consternation about your circumstances that are beyond your control? Throughout the Holy Bible, the living God repeats His words, “Be not afraid.” Ten brothers were in a foreign land and at the mercy of those who sold food during a severe famine.  Their family’s lives were in jeopardy.  Their […]