

Have you ever wanted something so much that you ignored God and the circumstances enough to push to get what you wanted?  Then, when you finally had it, your expectations were not met? Balaam wanted the gold offered to him by the king of Moab.  He wanted it enough to downgrade God’s answer of “No, […]

God Chooses You

Have you ever wondered why God chooses people who do not believe in Him to accomplish His purposes?  Have you ever wondered if you can be used by God to impact others?  As a Christian, do you want God’s will to be accomplished through you? Balaam, a false prophet in the Old Testament, was used […]

One Decision Leads to Another…

Years ago, when I was growing up, my dad taught me that we shouldn’t push too hard to open a door.  That we should accept the answer the first time and let it go.  When the answer was no, there was a reason, one that we may not even understand in the moment. Balaam asked […]

Reactive vs. Proactive

Our world reacts, sometimes with, extreme emotional response.  Back in the day, the Israelites did too!  Imagine that!  They grumbled and they disputed God’s decision of who their leaders were.  In Numbers, Moses “fell on his face” before an awesome God more times than he could probably count. Numbers 16 recounts back-to-back defiant decisions, grumbling […]

Take Aways

I tend to look back on situations and wonder what am I to learn, to take away?  20/20 hindsight can lead us to change our attitudes, reactions, decisions for now and into the future. Do you ever wonder about what would have been if our response or decision would have been different?  I wonder if […]