Years ago, when I was growing up, my dad taught me that we shouldn’t push too hard to open a door.  That we should accept the answer the first time and let it go.  When the answer was no, there was a reason, one that we may not even understand in the moment.

Balaam asked God once, received an answer and then asked again.  In Numbers, Balak, the king of Moab, summons Balaam to curse Israel.  And, Balaam sought God’s answer.  “Do not go with them (Balak’s men).  You must not put a curse on these people, because they are blessed.”  Numbers 22:12 (NIV)

Even though Balaam initially refuses to go to the king of Moab and to curse the Israelites, he still did not fully agree to God’s answer.  So, he went to God a second time to “…find out what else the Lord will tell me”.  Numbers 22:19 (NIV)

God gave Balaam up to his greed and told Balaam to go. 

Are we like Balaam?  Wanting our own way so much that even though we have an answer from God, we continue to seek the answer we really want?

We push enough that God gives us up to the desires of our hearts, even though those desires lead us away from Him.  Balaam sought an answer from God and still chose to go his own way.  God knew where that decision would lead Balaam.  That first decision led to more future decisions that took him on the path that led him away from God.   Ultimately, it led to his death.

Joshua 13:22 (NIV) “In addition to those slain in battle, the Israelites had put to the sword Balaam son of Beor, who practiced divination.”

~ Take it to heart ~

Trust God that His answer is best.
One decision leads to another. 
Which path are you taking?