
Tuned in…

Social media brings the world closer and makes it much smaller.  We can know what is going on all around the world with the click of a button.  But, are you attentive to those around you, in your corner of the world?  Are you aware of what God is doing? Anna, age 84, widowed for […]

Focus!  Re-focus!

What is the state of your physical vision?  Many of us can correct the vision of our eyes, if necessary.  Some cannot see with their eyes but “see” the world through different senses. What is the state of your spiritual vision?  Do you need a spiritual check-up on what claims your attention? There was a […]

Purpose and Will of God…

Have you considered that the hard things in your life, that they are for God’s praise and glory?Have you thought, follower of Christ, that by your attitude and responses you can choose to glorify your God for Who He is in your circumstances? A displaced couple, from Nazareth, living in Bethlehem, traveled to the temple […]

Prophecy… became history

Jesus intentionally set His face toward Jerusalem.  Prophecy would become history during that Holy Week.(NASB) Luke 22:1 “Now the Feast of Unleavened Bread which is called the Passover was approaching.” Jesus and His 12 disciples went to Jerusalem for this historic Passover.  Why historic?  Jesus became the Passover Lamb, sacrificed for the sins of everyone […]

Only God could have done that!

Looking back in your life, can you “see” how God has worked in your life?  Think about where you are today compared with five years ago. Throughout life, unexpected circumstances can be improbable, uncomfortable… to you.Only God can work in your circumstances which may take you by surprise.Can you say, “Only God could have done […]


The disciples were a privileged group of 12 men, Jesus said so.  Their eyes saw, their ears heard what “many prophets and kings wished to see the things which you see, and did not see them, and to hear the things which you hear, and did not hear them.”  Luke 10:24 NASB We know that […]