All Devotions

Circumstances are not Happenstances

Your circumstances are uniquely yours. No one else experiences exactly what you have experienced even if they have been with you in various situations. How you deal with circumstances may depend on your background, or your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, or your physical limitations, or your financial status, or your position in the […]

Lineage of the Followers of Christ

What do you know of your ancestors, your lineage? From what country or people do you come? What is the religion of your people? What did they do for a living, were they educated? Were they brilliant or talented in specific areas? Were they wealthy, average or poor? Were they “˜good’ people? For what are […]

Your Influence Changes Lives

Subtle influences of life creep into our thinking without our awareness until we are caught up in nets that ensnare us. Circumstances and people influence us. Naomi had become embittered by life’s circumstances and had become caught up in its net. (NASB) Ruth 1:22 “So Naomi returned, and with her Ruth the Moabitess, her daughter-in-law, […]

Love Chooses Patience and Kindness

How you and I look at life, how we think – will be shown in our actions and our words. The Bible is a true resource that tells us what we are to do and not to do, as followers of Christ. Let’s look at (New American Standard Bible) Ephesians 4:30-31 “Do not grieve the […]

Reunions Reveal Choices

High school, college and family reunions, and reunions with fellow workers who have retired…are fun to attend, to remember the past and to “˜catch up’ on what has been going on in lives. To see people you have lost contact with for a number of years will show you how you have changed and how […]

Loyalty and Commitment

J.R.R.Tolkien’s story “The Lord of the Rings” gives an insight into loyalty and commitment. When viewing the movies or reading the books notice loyalty and commitment interwoven in the relationships of the various characters. Sacrifice is a big part of their loyal commitments. Real people exhibited these same characteristics as seen in the book of […]

Assumptions are arrogance

God hates arrogance. (NIV) Psalm 5:5 “The arrogant cannot stand in your presence; you hate all who do wrong.” How often do you and I assume something about another person’s circumstances? How often do we take it upon ourselves to project our logic into another’s situation without counting on God to work in and through […]

Choices reveal our commitment to God

Naomi was ready to move back to Judah from Moab. Her two daughters-in-law were also ready to go with her. Naomi had thought about the ramifications for these two women whom she loved, and she let them go. She told them to return to their mother’s home. She encouraged them to remarry and have a […]

Maturity expresses love for others

Love gives clear-cut choices. The Lord God gives you and me the choice to turn away from Him or to turn toward Him and cling to Him. Naomi, Orpah and Ruth were women who really lived. This is not fiction. It really happened in the land of Moab. All three had suffered the death of […]

Loving others from God’s perspective

Love is the subject of many books and movies. Sexual love is the primary focus so many times in our society. However, there are many different levels of love. There is the love for a husband or wife, the love for a child, love for parents, relatives and friends. All are loved but loved in […]