All Devotions

Resurrection Life

  Jesus was asked a question from the group that did not believe in the resurrection.  The question was meant to trap Jesus so He would be found guilty and taken to the Roman Governor Pilate.  They gave a word picture of a woman (who remained childless through seven marriages to seven brothers) who died.  […]

Ironic Question

  The Sadducees were in cahoots with the chief priests and scribes and the Pharisees.  Each of these groups of religious leaders was working to trap Jesus.   What irony!  The Sadducees did not believe in resurrection – of no one!   Yet, to trap Jesus their fabricated story and question was the exact opposite […]

The Trap Was Set

Notice that the pretense of flattery was used to set Jesus up: (NIV) Luke 20:20-21 “Keeping a close watch on him (Jesus), they sent spies, who pretended to be honest.  They hoped to catch Jesus in something he said so that they might hand him over to the power and authority of the governor.  21So […]

Flattery & Trickery to Entrap

(NASB) Luke 20:19-21 “The scribes and the chief priests tried to lay hands on Him that very hour, and they feared the people; for they understood that He spoke this parable against them. 20 So they watched Him, and sent spies who pretended to be righteous, in order that they might catch Him in some […]

Prayer of the Week

The prayer of the week is based on Psalm 37:1-8   Your word O Lord is true and You tell me “Do not fret because of evil doers”.  Then you tell me what to do.  Thank You!   You are to be trusted in and I am to do good.   You say to delight […]

God’s Timing ~ Not Man’s

All Christendom has just celebrated Easter! Resurrection morning!! Hallelujah!!!   This devotional and the following devotionals will be focused on the circumstances leading up to the death and resurrection of Jesus in the weeks ahead.   God’s timing ~ not man’s ~ is all encompassing. (NASB) Luke 20:19-20 “The scribes and the chief priests tried […]

From Crucifixion to Resurrection!

  Crucifixion is one of the most horrendous devices known to man to kill another.  It was not known in the days of King David or to the prophet Isaiah.  Yet God used these two men, who did not know each other, who never met because they did not live at the same time.  These […]

Before the Crucifixion

  Jesus had entered the holy city of Jerusalem with shouts of acclamation from the Passover crowds.  Then He cleaned out the Temple of buyers and sellers of doves for sacrifices.  He healed many people of various physical needs.  He was challenged by the chief priests, the elders, the Pharisees and the scribes throughout those […]

Prophecy of the Cornerstone

  There are several prophecies concerning the Cornerstone (Messiah).  This devotional will consider one of them as we head toward Good Friday which was dreary and dark because Jesus was crucified, dead and buried.   But followers of Christ are not defeated, depressed or without hope.  We have a risen Savior, the Cornerstone long promised […]

The Cornerstone ~ Jesus Christ

  Jesus told a parable about vine-growers who had killed the heir of the vineyard.  Then He said that the owner would come and destroy those vine-growers and give the vineyard to others.  The people who heard Jesus say this understood that He was talking about them.  That God would give what they considered theirs […]