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Jesus meets us where we are…

  Jesus had been ~ crucified.   Jesus had been ~ buried.   The body of Jesus had ~ disappeared.   Some women had been told that Jesus was ~ resurrected.  Jesus met them physically:   Where did Jesus meet two men in the factual account of Scripture?  They were on the road from Jerusalem […]

Jesus approaches ~ you…

  The resurrected Jesus approached two people as they walked toward Emmaus, talking with each other about what had happened in Jerusalem the last few days.    Jesus approaches you and me ~ where we are.  Jesus did not suddenly appear but joined those two people.    Jesus was not recognized by those two and […]

Prayer of the Week

The prayer of the week is based on Psalm 19:14   To You, the living God of the Holy Bible, I come.  Today, let the words of my mouth be pleasing to You.  Today, let my thoughts (meditations) that come from my heart be acceptable in Your eyes.   You and You alone – my […]

Faith in God?

  Two followers of Christ were walking to Emmaus the very day that Jesus had risen from the dead (and they didn’t know it for sure).   They were discussing all that had happened that very day.   That very day some women had discovered the empty tomb.  Strangely, the body of Jesus was missing, […]

“…marveling at what had happened…”

  It was the first day of the week, Sunday.  Some women had gone to the tomb to put more spices on the body of Jesus.  Some astounding things had occurred before they got there.  The massive stone that had covered the entrance was rolled away.  No soldiers were guarding that tomb…and they had been […]

Visual Proof

 The women who had gone to the tomb had seen the empty tomb.  They had heard that Jesus had risen from the dead, just as He had told them He would.   The disciples had heard the women’s “tales,” had not believed them and called them “nonsense” (madness, feigned things).  (Luke 24:1-11)   Peter and […]

Unbelievable Nonsense!

  Women’s words are, many times, not believed by the men in their lives.  Ask many husbands and they will tell you they double check whatever their wives tell them.  Is it wrong to check out the facts?  Of course not.  But it can be demeaning to doubt what is being said with the tone […]

Reporting the Good News!

Perplexing   Some women went to the tomb of Jesus very early in the morning on the first day of the week, Sunday.  They were expecting to add spices to the body of Jesus.  When they arrived, they found the very large stone rolled away.  They entered the tomb with their spices, but there was […]

Prayer of the Week

The prayer of the week is based on 1 John 4:14   Lord God of the Bible…You alone are God…there is no other.  You have given us the assurance of Your Son, Jesus, that He was raised from death.  You gave many proofs and there were eyewitnesses to the facts.  You sent Your Son to […]

First Day of the Week ~ Sunday

  Some women who had come with Jesus from Galilee…had seen Jesus die on the cross.  They had followed Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus who had laid Jesus in a new tomb.  They had seen how those two men had prepared the body of Jesus for burial.  They knew where Jesus had been buried.  But […]