All Devotions

Process Given by God for Salvation

  Peter’s sermon on the Day of Pentecost was a sermon of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. Recognition of our Problem   You and I have a problem…we are sinners and we need the work of Jesus Christ to save us.  all of us, you and me, we cannot measure up to the holiness […]

“…what shall we do?”

  When you are faced with your sins (your very real sins), what do you do?   What is difficult to acknowledge?  That you (and I) have sinned against the living, Creator God!   Most people consider themselves to be pretty good people.  Being kind, loving and forgiving others without faith in Jesus Christ…is     eternally     […]

“…know for certain…”

  Peter’s sermon on the Day of Pentecost continues in this devotional.   Peter was using King David and his prophecies concerning Messiah. (NASB) Acts 2:34-35 “For it was not David who ascended into heaven, but he himself says: ‘THE LORD SAID TO MY LORD, ‘SIT AT MY RIGHT HAND, 35 UNTIL I MAKE YOUR […]

Witnesses to God’s Promise to David

  Peter was talking to a crowd in Jerusalem.  They had gathered outside a house from which the sound of a violent rushing wind had been heard.  Those within the house had received the Holy Spirit of God.  (Acts 2:1-4)   Peter said with complete confidence that Israel’s greatest and most beloved King David had […]

Prayer of the Week

The prayer of the week is based on Psalm 119:89   Your word, O LORD is eternal truth.  Your word is completely reliable.  You and Your word are worthy of my trust.  When things happen in my life that could fill me with fear, I can turn to You and Your word for help.    You have […]

Day of Pentecost ~ Prophecy of Messiah’s Resurrection

  Peter preached the first sermon (after receiving the Holy Spirit) to a crowd gathered outside a house in Jerusalem.  The sermon was all about Jesus, His death and resurrection.  Peter used King David’s prophecy of the risen Christ (Messiah).  (NIV) Acts 2:25-28 “David said about him (Jesus Christ): ‘I saw the Lord always before […]

Confidence of the Followers of Christ

  For the followers of Christ Jesus – where is our confidence to be placed? Our confidence should never be in ourselves – we fail too many times. Our confidence should never be in another person, government, or religion – if they haven’t “messed up” they will, they are people! (NASB) Romans 3:23 “for all […]

Day of Pentecost ~ All about Jesus

  Peter had been filled with the Holy Spirit.  A crowd had gathered outside the house where this had occurred.  Peter went out and spoke to that crowd.   (NASB) Acts 23:22-24 “‘Men of Israel, listen to these words: Jesus the Nazarene, a man attested to you by God with miracles and wonders and signs which […]

Day of Pentecost ~ God’s Timing

  Peter boldly spoke to a crowd who had gathered outside a house in Jerusalem.  The living God had sent His Holy Spirit to all within that house.  Who were they?  They were followers of the Risen Lord Jesus Christ.  They had been given the ability to speak in various languages.  They were speaking the […]

Peter: a Transformed Life

  Consider Peter, a disciple chosen by Jesus. In the last hours of Jesus’ life, Peter had tried to defend Jesus from being arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane.  (John 8:10-11)   After Jesus was arrested and led away, Peter followed at a distance (Matthew 27:57-58).   Peter denied knowing Jesus three times, as Jesus […]