All Devotions

Personal Responsibility

  Paul traveled from city to city, telling of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  He went first to the synagogue located in that city to tell his fellow Jews of the fulfilled promise of Messiah.  Some believed…many resisted, rejected and threatened Paul.  When that happened, Paul then turned to the Gentiles to tell […]

Supporting (Your) Pastors and Priests

  Paul met new friends in Corinth, Aquila and Priscilla.  They too, were tentmakers and they were Jewish. When Silas and Timothy joined Paul in Corinth, Paul “began devoting himself completely to the word, solemnly testifying to the Jews that Jesus was the Christ.” (NASB Acts 18:2-5) Of what should pastors, priests and their congregations […]

Paul: Preacher – Tentmaker

  Paul left Athens where he had spoken to many about Jesus and His resurrection.  Many sneered, others wanted to hear “something new” and some placed their faith in the Lord Jesus.  (Acts 17:21, 32-34) Paul then went to Corinth.  (Acts 18:1) (NASB) Acts 18:2 “And he found a Jew named Aquila, a native of […]

Prayer of the Week

The prayer of the week is based on 1 Thessalonians 1:2 Lord God of the Holy Bible, Your love for Your people is constant.  Thank You. As a follower of Christ Jesus, help me to remember to thank You for other believers, ones whom I know, and those I have not yet met. Each of […]

Courageous Decisions to Live Differently

  Paul proclaimed that Jesus was raised from the dead.  He proclaimed this message in Athens, a city filled with idols and philosophers and people who wanted to “hear something new.”  (Acts 17:16-21) Paul used an altar “TO AN UNKNOWN GOD” to proclaim God: God the Creator (Acts 17:24-25) God the Giver of life (Acts […]

Mixed Reactions

  Paul was in Athens.  He observed the many idols throughout that city and found an altar dedicated “TO AN UNKNOWN GOD”.  He used the altar to proclaim the God Who raised Jesus from the dead.  How did those philosophers and others in the crowd react?  As can be expected, there were mixed reactions. (NASB) […]


  Paul stood in the middle of the Areopagus in Athens.  He told them what he had observed as he walked about Athens.  He saw how religious the Athenians were because they had many idols throughout the city.  He saw an altar dedicated “TO AN UNKNOWN GOD”.  Then Paul began his message with that altar.  […]

What Do Others Hear?

Epicureans – “…materialistic view of existence was intended, negatively, to free people from anxiety regarding death and the gods; death is the end of everything and, therefore, is nothing to be feared.”  Paul’s message “of divine judgment and resurrection was contrary to their beliefs.”  “The Eerdmans Bible Dictionary”  pages 344-345 Stoics – “In Stoicism the […]

Prayer of the Week

The prayer of the week is based on Matthew 28:6 Lord Jesus, You did die, You were buried in a tomb for three days.  Then, miracle of miracles, You were raised to life.  Your body was raised from the grave and You live – today! A messenger from God proclaimed that astounding statement to some […]

Intentional Focus

  Paul was in Athens, alone.  He was waiting for Silas and Timothy to come.  Paul didn’t sit in a room somewhere to wait.  As he walked about the city he saw idols, many idols.  Paul’s spirit was grieved, distressed and roused to anger.  (Acts 17:16) What provokes you?  What causes you distress, grief and […]