All Devotions

Doing the hard thing…according to the will of God.

  It is not easy to do the correct thing for another’s good.  Parents know this when dealing with their children. Sometimes, parents know a child will be sad and sorrowful when disciplined.  Giving discipline is not pleasant or easy.  Discipline does not need to be harshly given.  Discipline is to be given with love […]

But God… therefore ~ Rejoice!

Afflictions & Conflicts Followers of Christ are in many countries.  We all need encouragement as we face pressures of one kind or another, no matter where we live. (NASB) 2 Corinthians 7:5 “for even when we came into Macedonia our flesh had no rest, but we were afflicted on every side: conflicts without, fears within.” […]

Confident, Comforted, Overflowing with Joy

  Rising above our emotions, circumstances and even people, is possible by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.  Followers of Christ, our foundation is Jesus, the solid Rock, our faith is built on Him. (NASB) 2 Corinthians 7:4 “Great is my confidence in you; great is my boasting on your behalf. I am filled with […]

You are loved by God and by fellow believers!

Good News for the Followers of Christ! You are not alone – whether you live in a house or on the streets – if Jesus is your Savior, you are not alone. You are loved – by Jesus and by fellow believers in the Lord Jesus. You are not condemned – you are in God’s […]

“Make room for us in your heart…”

  Mature followers of Christ have others in their hearts.  Sincerely loving others is a choice. We need to be careful that we are not doing anything by our words, actions or motives to wrong others. Godly love wrongs no one; corrupts no one; does not take advantage of anyone. Are you making room in […]

Reverential Fear of God

  We are to have a Reverential Fear of God.  Why?  Because of Who He is – He is the Lord God Almighty.  Because of His holiness – we are to give Him respect and reverential fear. For this reason, because of His promises to us, we are to give Him honor and glory as […]

Because of God’s Promises…

  Promises, many times, are easily made and as easily broken.  Parents want their children to behave so they give out quick promises, and then promptly forget them.  Children recognize and remember their parent’s broken promises. Who have you promised something to with no intention of following through?  That hurts! Broken promises have lasting effects […]

“…just as God said…”

  People are in refugee camps.  They have left or were forced out of their homes, their cities, and/or their countries by war or famine.  Many are without hope for their future. The followers of Christ have a living hope – the living God, His name is Jesus.  He is the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ. […]

~ Rejoice ~ Followers of Christ

What problems do you have? What sorrows are you suffering? What circumstances are befuddling you? What perplexities are like mountains to you? REMEMBER: the incredible truth of God! Followers of Christ are the temple of God.  When we receive Christ as our Savior – we are given God the Holy Spirit.  He lives within all […]

God’s Reasons of “Why”

  God gives a warning to those who believe in His Son.   We are not to be bound together with unbelievers; we are not to be unequally yoked. Why is this?  Aren’t we to reach out to those without Christ as their Savior?  Yes, a thousand times yes. The following gives God’s Reason of Why […]