Look at the sky at sunrise or at sunset, anytime during the day or night.  “The heavens tell the glory of God.”  God is the Creator of life and beauty.  

Psalm 19:1-3 prayer paraphrased

  Creator God, You created the heavens which tell of Your glory!

The Hubble telescope has sent back pictures of galaxies and now another telescope, the James Webb telescope, years later is sending back pictures of what You created in the heavens.  How rich and beautiful and filled with detail is all of Your work.

  The very heavens declare the work of Your hands.  Day by day pours forth speech, opening our hearts and eyes to seeing Your magnificent creation.  I don’t want to forget the night skies which reveal knowledge.

   To think that nowhere on earth is there a place, no matter the language or words, the voice of Your creation is not heard!

    Thank You Holy Spirit for Your pointing us to the creation of the Triune God.
In the name of Jesus, Amen