Mark 4:24a prayer paraphrased

  Lord, Your word is important to Listen to!  
You warn all who are listening: Be careful what you listen to.
  We should be careful of the things we read, listen to, or watch!

  How am I best encouraged?  By reading and studying Your word, O Lord.

  How do I get discouraged?  What gives me a “downer”?  By listening to what people say, and watching what is not uplifting.  

  O Lord, the world is full of many things that would take our eyes, our thinking off of You.  Forgive me when I do not keep You first in my day.

  You said, Lord Jesus, “Take care what you listen to.”
  Help me today to listen with my ears, my heart and with all my being, listening to You!
  In the name of Jesus, Amen.