Hannah had no children.  She was a second wife to Elkanah.  His other wife had children.  Penniah would provoke and make fun of Hannah for having no children.

  Elkanah tried to smooth things over in his household and tell Hannah she was more important to him than children.  Hannah still grieved, especially once a year when Elkanah and his entire family went to Shiloh to worship and sacrifice to the LORD.
  Hannah’s grief would end in bitter weeping and not eating, she had no appetite. I Samuel 1:1-8

  One year, Hannah made a vow to the LORD.  If she had a son, then she would give him to the LORD all the days of his life and he would not cut his hair.
  Hannah’s lips were moving but her voice was not heard.  Eli watched this woman praying and thought she was drunk.  He said, woman, how long will you drink and be drunk?  Put away the drink.  Hannah replied, No, I am a woman oppressed in spirit.  I am pouring out my soul before the LORD, I am not drunk.  Don’t look at me as a worthless woman, I am praying out of my great concern and provocation.  Eli then blessed her and said may the LORD God of Israel grant you your petition.  Hannah thanked the priest and went her way, her face was no longer sad.
I Samuel 1:9-18

  Have you found that to be true for you also?  Whatever is bothering you, take it to the LORD in prayer, praying from your heart.  Go from that time of prayer with a heart of peace beyond your understanding, given by God.

  Humility yields to God and His ways for you.  

  Later that same year, Hannah had a son, Samuel. Hannah did not go to Shiloh to worship until the son was weaned.  One year, when she weaned her son, she took him to Shiloh, intending that he stay there and live.  Samuel may have been about three years old.  When Hannah went to Shiloh she took  a sacrificial offering to the LORD.

  Hannah presented the sacrificial offering to Eli the priest and told him of the LORD answering her prayer and she dedicated her son to the LORD.  

  Hannah did a hard thing, for she loved her son, Samuel. She saw him once a year,
taking him a change of clothes each year.  God blessed her with other children.

God’s Word ~ Alive!
Proverbs 15:33
“The fear of the LORD
is the instruction of wisdom,
And before honor comes humility.”

Hannah humbled herself, yielding to God,
and she was blessed.
Will you join her, by yielding to God,
humbling yourself to Him?