Boaz got down to business the next morning after Ruth showed him, she and Naomi needed his intervention in buying a piece of land rightfully by inheritance. Boaz knew the rights to buying the land belonged to another man.
Boaz went to the city gate where official business was carried out. The man next in line of inheritance walked by. Boaz invited him to sit down. Boaz explained the rights of inheritance, the right of first refusal to the land of Naomi’s deceased husband. The man said he would buy the land. Then Boaz said that part of the inheritance included marrying the widow, Ruth and having children by her. The children would then be the heirs of the land. The man backed off immediately, saying that buying the land would jeopardize his own inheritance. The man told Boaz, buy the land yourself, I cannot buy the land. Ruth 4:1-6
The legal custom in Israel was for the person buying land, to remove his sandal and give it to another. Boaz removed his sandal calling on witnesses to the legal transaction of acquiring Elimalech’s property and marrying Ruth. Any children they would have would inherit the land. The men at the city gate said they were witnesses. They then blessed Ruth to be like Rachel and Leah, building the house of Israel. The blessing continued for the LORD to bless Boaz and Ruth. All because Boaz got down to business and did not procrastinate.
Do you and I procrastinate on legal matters? We shouldn’t. Our heirs will suffer more work after we die than is necessary if we procrastinate.
Boaz and Ruth married and the LORD blessed them with a son.
Naomi was blessed to be a grandmother and the son became famous in Israel.
Ruth’s love for Naomi was recognized by the people of Bethlehem.
The name of the baby son was Obed. He also is in the lineage of the Messiah.
Getting down to business had long range consequences for all the world.
This can be found in the genealogy of Jesus in Matthew 1:1-17. Boaz and Ruth had a son, Obed, who in turn, had a son named Jesse, who in turn fathered a son named David. And more names are mentioned until verse 16, Jesus born of Joseph and Mary in Bethlehem.
You and I need to get our books and legal affairs in order for the sake of our families.
Get down to business and do not procrastinate. Not only in legal affairs but also in your relationship with Jesus. Do not delay following Him.
God’s Word ~ Alive!
Acts 22:16
Now why do you delay?
Get up and be baptized,
and wash away your sins,
calling on His (Jesus) name.”
Procrastination is never good.
Now why do you delay?