The LORD expects His people to obey His word.  One billboard said, “What don’t you understand about obedience?”  Or another said, “If I have to come down there!”
  The LORD is serious about obeying His word.  Always has been, always will.

  Obedience brings God’s blessings.  Leviticus 26:3-13
  Disobedience brings God’s discipline.  Disobedience is hostility against the LORD.
  The LORD spelled out what disobedience would bring to the people of Israel.  Leviticus 26:14-39 

  The LORD warned Israel they disobeyed Him if they didn’t let the land rest every 7 years for one year.  That was one of the laws Israel did not obey.  They ignored that command.  In the future, they would pay by being exiled 70 years.  That did happen, the southern kingdom of Judah was taken to Babylon for 70 years.  One year for each year that they did not let the land rest.
  God has a long memory.  He is patient, over many years, for people to turn to Him.

Have you turned to God and received Jesus, the Son of God, as your Savior?  God is patient, to a point.  Then there will be consequences to your actions or if you reject God’s Son.  What are the consequences?  Your name will not be written in the Lamb’s book of life and you will spend eternity in hell. 
Revelation 20:15
For obeying God, by receiving Jesus as your Savior, you will spend eternity in heaven.  Revelation 21:27

God’s Word ~ Alive!
Revelation 21:27
“and nothing unclean, and no one who practices
abomination and lying, shall ever come into it (heaven),
but only those whose names are written in the 
Lamb’s book of life.”

Is your name written there?
It can be, right now.
Confess your sins
Ask Jesus to save you from your sins.