How many times have you started a project of some kind, and didn’t finish?

  Moses was not accused of that!  Once the project of the Tent of Meeting was begun, it was finished!  “… according to all that the LORD had commanded him, so he did. (Moses).”  Exodus 40:16

  When the Tent of Meeting was erected, God’s glory filled the Tabernacle – as a cloud covering the Tent.  In fact, Moses could not enter because God’s glory filled the Tent. Exodus 40:34-35

  From that time on, when the cloud remained on the tabernacle the people knew they were not to travel.  And when the cloud lifted, the people would pick up their tents and were quickly ready to travel.  The LORD made it very clear, when the people were to go or to stay. Exodus 40:36-37

  Once the Tent of Meeting was finished the people would use it to worship the LORD.

God’s Word ~ Alive!
Aren’t you happy God finishes what He begins,
in your life, and in His word. 

John 1:1
“In the beginning was the Word, and Word was
with God, and the Word was God.”

John 19:30b
“It is finished!”
Jesus came to die on a cross
and Jesus came to finish His work of salvation
for you!