Moses went up Mount Horeb to meet with God. Moses did not wait, he went up immediately, while the camp of the sons of Israel was at the base of the mountain.
The LORD God told Moses to remind the people that He brought them out of Egyptian slavery. They saw the power of God at work in overcoming the Egyptians, time and time again. Exodus 19:1-4
The LORD told Moses who the sons of Israel were to Him: God’s own possession; all the earth is the LORD’S; Israel to be a kingdom of priests; Israel a holy nation. Exodus 19:4-6
Moses told the elders, then the people, what God told him. How did they respond?
“All that the LORD has spoken we will do.” Exodus 19:8
Moses was the go between God and the people. The people were to be consecrated by washing their clothes and to be ready on the third day. The LORD would come down from Mount Sinai so all the people would see. Moses was to establish a boundary around the base of the mountain, the people were not to cross the boundary line. Anyone touching the mountain would be put to death. God established boundary lines and expected the people to obey. God established His authority.
Today, isn’t that what parents are to do? Establish clear boundaries with the consequences spelled out to their children? Then follow through with the consequential punishment if the children do not stay within the boundaries stated?
Moses went down the mountain and told the men they were not to go near a woman.
God was preparing the sons of Israel to know that God is holy!
The third day came, so did thunder and lightning and thick darkness. A trumpet sounded so that all the people in camp trembled!
Moses brought the people to the foot of the mountain to meet God. The mountain itself seemed to be on fire and the smoke ascended while the whole mountain quaked violently. Moses went down and warned the people they were not to go beyond the boundaries. Absolutely no one, not even the priests.
Exodus 19:17-22
How do you know God? Do you know Him as holy? That we are not to casually approach Him? He is God! He is holy!
God’s Word ~ Alive!
Psalm 145:21
“My mouth will speak the praise of the LORD,
And all flesh will bless His holy name forever.”
How will you now approach God in prayer?