Isaiah 55:8-9 Prayer paraphrased
Lord God of the Bible.  You are greater than anyone who has ever lived or will ever live.  
You tell me that Your thoughts are not my thoughts – and that is sooo true!
  Your ways are not even close to my ways – and I am thankful!
Then you give me an example of how much greater are Your ways than my ways:
  You say that as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are Your ways higher than my ways.  You even tell me that Your thoughts are higher and greater than my thoughts.  Amen to that!
  Your ways bring forth produce.  So Lord, help me to yield to You and Your ways in my life.  Help me to be productive in a way which pleases You.

  I yield to You, the living God of the Bible.  Open my eyes to see the results of following You.
  In the name of Jesus, God the Son, Amen.