When life seems unbearable, what to do?  Turn to God, listen and learn what He has in mind.

  Pharaoh made the Hebrew slaves’ lives unbearable, demanding them to gather the materials for making bricks, and expecting the same quota to be met every day. Exodus 5:5-23

  The LORD told Moses that only under compulsion would Pharaoh let the people go from the land of Egypt.  The LORD told Moses, “I am the LORD.”  I appeared to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as God Almighty, but they were not given My name.
  I established My covenant with them, to give them the land of Canaan – where they lived.  I have heard the groaning of the sons of Israel because they are held in bondage by Egypt, and I have remembered My promise, My covenant.  Exodus 6:2-5

  The LORD reveals Himself a little bit at a time… in His timing.  Follower of Christ, haven’t you found that to be so for yourself?  As you are ready to receive more information about Who God is, as He reveals Himself to you.  Maturity as a follower of Christ doesn’t happen overnight.  Are you listening for more about Who God is?

  The LORD further revealed to Moses that in time the LORD God would bring the sons of Israel out of Egyptian bondage and He Himself would deliver them, redeeming them with His outstretched arm and with great judgments.  In the weeks to follow we will see that unfold in this devotional.

  The LORD God promised that the sons of Israel would be His people, and that He would be their God.  That He would take them to the land promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, many years before.  Why?  Because He is the I Am.  Exodus 6:6-8

  Moses told all of this to the sons of Israel, but they did not listen to him because of the cruel bondage and despondency of being slaves.  They hadn’t experienced, yet, what God said He would do.  They probably wanted freedom – – – yesterday!  Not somewhere in the future.  Aren’t we all like that?  We want freedom, yesterday, not somewhere in the nebulous future.  

God’s Word ~ Alive!

Be wise.
Proverbs 1:5
“A wise man
will hear and increase in learning, 
And a man of understanding
will acquire wise counsel,” 

Be a listener!