Not much causes people to be shocked today… Sodom and Gomorrah (homosexulity) is part of our culture today.  But incest is still a ‘no-no’.  Shocking news some years ago is passe today.  

  The word of God does not gloss over sins.  The word of God exposes sin, and calls it – sin!

  Genesis 19:30-38
  The LORD judged Sodom and Gomorrah by destroying them.  

  Lot left a small town to which he escaped and lived in the mountains.  His wife died and his two daughters were without husbands.  These three lived in a cave in the mountains.  The two daughters talked it over, they were without hope of having children.  So they decided to make their father drunk and the first born would lay with him the first time.  And the other daughter would lay with him the second night after he again was so drunk he didn’t know what his daughters were doing.

  Both sisters were pregnant by their father.  The first born daughter had a son, his name was Moab.  The second daughter had a son, his name was Ammon.  The two daughters committed incest with their father.

  Both Moab and Ammon were enemies of Israel throughout Biblical history.

  When we know God’s word, we learn what sin is… and know God judges sin.

God’s Word ~ Alive!

Psalm 119:11
“Your word I have treasured in my heart,
That I may not sin against You.”