Jacob learned that to truly worship God he needed to be where God wanted him.

Because Jacob did not immediately obey God, but took his willful way of living among pagans, his daughter was raped and his sons murdered many men.

When we know what God wants us to do, according to His word, are we slow to obey?  Are we willfully doing what we want to do and in our own timing?

Jacob learned many pain-filled lessons because of his own stubbornness and relying on himself.

Do you and I do the same thing?  Learning the lessons God desires to teach us; but, doing it the hard way due to our disobedience?

After difficult and shameful circumstances Jacob made some decisions which positively influenced his family and household.

He listened to God!  He finally obeyed!

He prepared his household to move, again, but this time to where God wanted him!
(Genesis 35:1-4)

~ Take it to heart ~

Where is God calling you to go?  If you have disobeyed in the past, ask God to forgive you and move on to where He wants you.

It may be a physical move, it may be an emotional move or a mental move, it will always be a spiritual move.

Move forward in obedience to God!