Doing God’s work, God’s way is to be wise in observing others.  Wise leaders will be testing to find out the character of potential fellow workers in their commitment to doing God’s work.

The following is taken from 2 Corinthians 8:16-24
1-Earnest desire to serve God by serving others (verse 16)

2-Acceptance in traveling, going to others (verse 17)

3-Ready and willing to work closely with another (verse 18)

4-Having an established reputation, a proven history of working well with others (verse 18)

5-Trusted by many to do appointed responsibilities (verse 19)

6-Wisdom in taking precautions so workers not discredited (verse 20)
[Billy Graham took wise precautions and no smear of any appearance of evil as he traveled the world.]

7-Integrity and doing what is honorable should be at the top of the list (verse 21)

8-Test others before giving responsibilities – test for their diligence (verse 22)

9-Invite and invest in others with which to partner (verse 23)

10-Challenge others to be open; showing proof of their love to God and to each other (verse 24)

11-Challenge others that when they are boasted about, the boast is not in vain (verse 24)

~ Take it to heart ~

As a Follower of Christ I am to be diligent in doing what God calls me to do.

I am to be available to God and His schedule for me – on a day to day basis!

I am to be available to God and His time-table, not mine!