Your choices determine your future
Roots of bitterness (which are resentments) have causes that are hidden below the surface, below what the eye sees. The root of bitterness has many tentacles – tiny root systems intertwining and spreading defilement and death wherever it takes hold in our lives.
The root of bitterness causes delusion, defeat and death.Consider Esau: One example of such a person is Esau. He was an immoral and godless person. The living God was not an important part of his life – how he must have grieved God! He made some choices and those choices determined his future.
Your future will be determined by your choices today.
(NASB) Hebrews 12:15-16 “See to it that no one comes short of the grace of God; that no root of bitterness springing up causes trouble, and by it many be defiled;
16 that there be no immoral or godless person like Esau, who sold his own birthright for a single meal.”
What is the big deal about a birthright? It was the right of the firstborn son to receive a double portion of the inheritance. (Deuteronomy 21:17)
He would be named first in the lineage of his father.
(1 Chronicles 5:1)In the case of Esau he is not named in the lineage of Messiah…he gave up his birthright for a bowl of stew!
Jacob “bought” the birthright with a savory meal for his very hungry brother. (Genesis 25:27-34)
Jacob had the birthright and he is listed in Messiah’s genealogy.How can you stop the wrong direction your choices are taking you?
One way, only one way, turn to the living God and receive Jesus as your Savior. He is the way, the truth and the life. No one, absolutely no one, can go to the Father except through faith in Jesus.
(John 14:6)
Take it to heart ~
(NASB) Romans 12:2 “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.”
Yield to the living God of the Bible…He says don’t be conformed to our old way of thinking.
He is asking us to turn to Him:
to have transformed thinking
to make transformed choices
to have a transformed life!