Forgiven through the work of Christ Jesus

  The living God of the Bible tells us that every priest who stood and ministered every day in obedience to the Law of Moses could never take away anyone’s sins.  Even though they sacrificed animals’ blood, it was never enough.  (Hebrews 10:11)   In contrast, Messiah, God’s Anointed One ~ offered one sacrifice…just one.  […]

The Reality of Christ ~ the Shadow of the Law

  When a light is behind an object it casts or throws a shadow.  The shadow reveals that something is there…it does not reveal color or sound or the details of shape…it vaguely reveals…something.  That is what the Law of Moses did (and does).  The Law does not reveal the details of the real thing […]

Why we are to eagerly await…

  Going on vacation, celebrating a meaningful holiday, visiting with a beloved friend or relative…for any of these you wait patiently and eagerly anticipating a wonderful time. Are you patiently, eagerly, constantly and consciously waiting on the return of Jesus Christ?  Are you waiting with that kind of anticipation? Consider with me what Christ did […]

Prayer of the Week

The prayer of the week is based on 1 John 2:12 God of the Bible…to You I pray…Your work through Your Son’s life, death and resurrection is for my good.  Thank You! When I receive Christ Jesus as my Savior I become Your child.  Incredible adoption!  Thank You. When I receive Jesus into my life, […]

The sacrificial blood offering…

  In Hebrews 9:14, we learn that Christ Jesus’ own sinless blood was offered to God the Father through the eternal Holy Spirit.  Why?  So your conscience and mine could be cleansed from dead works, so we can serve the living God. In Hebrews 9:15, we learn that Jesus is the mediator of the new […]