High Priest & Majesty in the heavens for eternity
Jesus, the appointed High Priest by God the Father, is now seated at the right hand of the Majesty in the heavens. (Hebrews 3:1-2).
God the Father is the Majesty in the heavens. These “heavens” are beyond the Hubble telescope and beyond people’s seeable knowledge. These “heavens” are not imaginary; they are God’s reality, filled with His Majesty.
Jesus ~ is the High Priest who ministers in the sanctuary and in the true tabernacle – which the Lord has pitched (set up). People have nothing to do with this work of God.
(Hebrews 8:2)Jesus was appointed to the office of High Priest by the highest authority, His Father and God. A question which could be asked…how long will Jesus be the High Priest? God’s word states it is an eternal office and God will not change His mind. (Hebrews 7:17, 21)
(NASB) Psalm 110:4 “The Lord has sworn and will not change His mind,
‘You are a priest forever…”Jesus is seated in the place of power and authority at the right hand of God, the Majesty in the heavens.
This is all about Jesus ~ High Priest.
This is all about God, the Majesty in the heavens.
This is not about people being “good enough,” or “righteous,” or “nice,” or doing whatever is needed to put Jesus at the right hand of God’s Majesty.
There is nothing you can do to control, coerce, or command Jesus or God the Majesty in the heavens to do your wants, desires or will.
What can you do, what can anyone do? Receive Jesus into your life and yield to Him as your Savior and Lord (Master), your High Priest.
The living God has provided the way for anyone (you and me) to have an on-going, intimate togetherness with Him through faith in His Son.
Jesus is the High Priest.
God the Father is the Majesty in the heavens.
You and I need Jesus as our Savior, our High Priest.
This togetherness is forever and ever…eternally!