Reason for our hope
In what do you hope? Is your hope in the stock market? Is your hope in leaders of your country? Is your hope in your horoscope?
Is your hope in a sure hope? There is only one place in which that kind of surety rests…and that is Jesus Christ.
What does this hope do for the followers of Christ? It is an anchor for our minds, our emotions and our wills. Our hope is sure, it is steadfast and our hope is in the Person of Jesus Christ, resurrected from the grave and living forevermore.
Don’t you wish everyone had that kind of hope to which they could cling? Today, there are many that do hope in the stock market and what a wild ride that is!
There are people that expect the leaders of their country to be their savior…it’s not possible…there is only One Savior and He is the Lord Jesus Christ.
Some even hope in their horoscope for their well being.
As a follower of Christ I am sure of the hope I have in the Lord Jesus. He is the anchor of my mind. Is He your anchor? He is the anchor for my emotions, is He yours? He is the anchor for my will, how about you?
Jesus is the reason for our hope as believers in the living God. Jesus, the only One who has entered the veil into God’s presence with His sinless blood as the sacrifice required for our sins. His blood sacrifice was accepted by God the Father. Praise God, we are saved! Not by our puny efforts or our super human efforts! We are saved by the work of Jesus Christ on the cross!
Jesus was called and appointed by God to be our High Priest, forever and ever. He is the reason for our hope, our sure hope.
(NASB) Hebrews 6:19-20 “This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, a hope both sure and steadfast and one which enters within the veil,
20 where Jesus has entered as a forerunner for us, having become a high priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek.”
Jesus is the Reason for our hope…Rejoice!