Jesus ~ the One Who Sanctifies
The dictionary defines “sanctify”: 1. To reserve for sacred use; consecrate. 2. To make holy; purify.
Followers of Christ, we have a Savior! Jesus sanctifies His followers. It is an on-going, continuous process! We are reserved for the sacred use of our God…we are consecrated, made holy, purified — by Jesus!
When we slip, and all people will, Jesus is our Savior. He saves us from certain spiritual defeat. We need to ask His forgiveness when we become aware of our sin. He is faithful and just to forgive us of that sin! He purifies, cleans us up and makes us acceptable to God the Father…Jesus is the One Who sanctifies believers. (1 John 1:9)
(NASB) Hebrews 2:11 “For both He (Jesus) who sanctifies and those who are sanctified (that’s followers of Jesus) are all from one Father; for which reason He is not ashamed to call them brothers.”
Followers of Christ:
Just think! Jesus finds you acceptable – all because of what He has done on the cross and continues doing today…He is sanctifying, He is making holy, He is purifying you and me.Not only is He sanctifying us, He calls us His brothers (and sisters). He is not ashamed of us…He knows what He has done, and is continuing to do and it is enough. Indeed, you and I cannot do anything that will make us pleasing to God…it is only by and through faith in Jesus as our Savior that God the Father accepts us.
You, my friend in Jesus Christ, are not seen as a shameful follower. You are covered by Jesus. When God the Father looks at you, He sees His Son. Isn’t that mind-boggling!
Jesus is the One Who sanctifies: makes us fit for sacred use, consecrates us, setting us apart for God (making us holy) and purifying us. Jesus is my Savior…is He yours?
Who do you know who needs this Good News of salvation?
Pray for them –
Keep in contact with them and share Christ not only with your actions but also with your words.
Ask them how you can pray for them.
Share Christ – pray for boldness to share your Savior with others.
Remember: Jesus is the One Who sanctifies…