A “Picture” of Messiah ~ Isaac Portrayed Jesus Christ
Abraham and Isaac, his son, went to the mountain God had told him to go to worship Him. (Genesis 22:3) Abraham fully expected to follow through with offering Isaac as a burnt sacrificial offering as God told him. And he fully expected to return with Isaac after worshiping God. (Genesis 22:5)
What is your expectation of God’s words being true and to be obeyed? Do you believe that the Holy Bible is infallible? Inerrant?
Consider this: if God lies in any way, at any point, then He is not God! You can know, without a doubt, that God’s words are always true and His actions back up His words – every time.
Abraham had Isaac carry the wood for the burnt offering. He carried the fire that was needed to ignite the wood and he also carried the knife to kill the sacrifice. So Isaac and his father “walked on together.” (Genesis 22:6)
Isaac was a “picture” of Jesus Christ’s submission to His Father’s will.
Jesus was the sacrificial Lamb Who carried His cross. The cross became the altar on which He sacrificed Himself for your sins…for you to receive eternal life.
What can you know about Jesus as your Savior? Faith in Jesus is key because Jesus was the sacrificial Lamb Who took your place and took your punishment for your sins. When you accept Jesus, you receive Jesus as your Savior, your punishment has already been taken care of — by Jesus! You and I need Jesus because He has already taken care of our sins.
However, if you refuse, reject or ignore Jesus – then you are responsible for your sins before the living God, and you will suffer the consequences in eternity.
(NASB) Genesis 22:7-8 “Isaac spoke to Abraham his father and said, ‘My father!’ And he said, ‘Here I am, my son.’ And he said, ‘Behold, the fire and the wood, but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?’
8 Abraham said, ‘God will provide for Himself the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.’ So the two of them walked on together.”
Abraham planned and provided all the necessities for the coming sacrifice before he left home! Christ’s sacrifice on the cross was intentional and prepared before sin entered the Garden of Eden.
Isaac is a “picture” of Christ Jesus bearing His cross on which He was crucified. God the Father provided the perfect sacrifice (His only begotten Son), so your sins would be forgiven, death would be defeated (proven by Christ’s physical resurrection) and victory over Satan a fact.
Abraham and Isaac “walked on together.” God the Father and Jesus the Son “walked on together” in complete agreement. Come; walk with Jesus, today.