A Storm so Violent
As followers of Christ we should not let seemingly favorable circumstances be the deciding factor in making wise decisions. When the living God warns us we should “listen up.” We should not push ahead and insist on our way.
Paul was given a warning by God not to leave a port in the season of storms. He warned the man in charge of him and the other prisoners. He warned the pilot and captain of the ship…they did not listen.
Acts 27:14-20
A storm at sea came up, a violent northeaster. Paul and other prisoners were being taken to Rome on board that ship. With this phase of the journey seemingly right, the favorable winds quickly turned ugly as they sailed. The pilot and captain took measures to insure the safety of the ship, the cargo and the people on board. They even let down the sea anchor to slow the swift movement of the ship. They lowered all sails and ropes…to no avail.
A storm so violent – the cargo was jettisoned.
A storm so violent – after a few days, the sailors began throwing the ship’s tackle overboard.
A storm so violent – for days on end, the sun and stars were not seen.
A storm so violent – all hope of being saved was abandoned.
How do you respond to storms so violent that you have no hope? Paul wrote to the Philippian church how to weather such storms.
(NASB) Philippians 4:6-7 “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
About what are you anxious? God says don’t be anxious or worry — about anything! You are to ask God for specifics and you are also to thank Him.
Then God gives His peace, the peace that goes way beyond all understanding or comprehension. His peace guards your mind, your emotions and your will.
Praise be to this God of the Holy Bible. He is faithful to follow through on His word. He is dependable! He is faithful!
No matter the violent storm you may be in today, God is faithful to you. Followers of Christ, Jesus is your Savior. No matter the violence of your circumstances, He is your God!
A storm so violent…God is greater!