Paul’s Boldness
At midnight, a great earthquake shook Philippi. The foundations of the prison were shaken. The jailer went to the prisoners, Paul and Silas, and asked this question: “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” What was the answer? “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved…” And that is what the jailer and his household did.
(Acts 16:30-34)How did the chief magistrates react, did they too believe in the Lord Jesus, did they even ask how they could be saved? No, they didn’t. They wanted to rid Philippi of Paul and Silas as soon as possible.
(NASB) Acts 16:35 “Now when day came, the chief magistrates sent their policemen, saying, ‘Release those men.’”
The jailer reported this message from the chief magistrates to Paul and Silas. Because the order had come, the jailer told the two men they were free and to go in peace. (Acts 16:36)
But Paul pointed out the illegal treatment of Roman citizens! To paraphrase Paul: ‘What? We were beaten publicly and without a trial, then we were thrown into prison. We are Roman citizens! Now they want us to leave quietly and secretly? No way! The chief magistrates put us in prison; they can escort us out of prison in broad daylight!’ (Acts 16:37)
Consternation! Fear! The policemen reported Paul’s words to the chief magistrates. These men in authority came to Paul and Silas and did bring them out of prison. They appealed to the two released prisoners, begging them to leave Philippi. (Acts 16:38-39)
What did Paul and Silas do? Did they immediately leave Philippi? No, they didn’t. They went to the house of Lydia where the new followers of Christ gathered. Paul and Silas encouraged those believers (I wonder, did the jailer and his household join that gathering?). Then Paul and Silas left Philippi.
Paul was bold because he had a solid case against the chief magistrates. Paul was bold because he had been called by the Spirit of Jesus to go to the region of Macedonia. (Acts 16:10)
Paul boldly followed the living Lord Jesus and His timing to enter and leave Philippi.
God’s timing is important for you also.
God’s timing encourages believers in Jesus Christ.
God’s timing takes His followers out of one circumstance and forward to the next. You can move on with confidence.
How is the living God of the Holy Bible leading you?