Resurrection! ~ The Living Lord Jesus ~
The Gospel of Luke and the book of Acts were written through the inspiration of God the Holy Spirit. In Luke, he gave an account of Jesus and His ministry through eye-witnesses. In Acts, he continues to give the account of the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ.
(NASB) Acts 1:3 “To these He (Jesus) also presented Himself alive after His suffering, by many convincing proofs, appearing to them over a period of forty days and speaking of the things concerning the kingdom of God.”
Resurrection! ~ The Living Lord Jesus
This resurrected Jesus met Saul on the road to Damascus and proved Himself to be Messiah. (Acts 9:1-5)
The early church continued to be built up, strengthened and encouraged by the Holy Spirit, increasing and growing in numbers. (Acts 9:31)
They believed in the Resurrection! ~ The Living Lord Jesus ~
Yesterday, all Christendom celebrated Easter,
the Celebration of the Resurrection! ~ The Living Lord Jesus ~
All praise and honor and glory belong to God!
God the Father (Elohim, Abba, God)
God the Son (Meshiach, Messiah)
God the Holy Spirit (Ruach, Spirit)
Three Persons yet One God!
Resurrection! ~ The Living Lord Jesus ~
As followers of Christ we are Easter people, people of the Resurrected Lord Jesus Christ…not only on that most holy of days but each and every day…
The LORD God, the Almighty has provided resurrection life through faith in His Son…and when we receive the Son as our Savior, we are given the Holy Spirit of God. How does God do this? I do not know. But this I know, Jesus is my Savior and I have been given the Holy Spirit of God within me…amazing work of God.
Jesus Christ is risen…
He is risen indeed!