Prayer! Power! Preparation!
How can you, can I, can anyone be available to the God of the Bible to tell others of Jesus Christ, the crucified, risen Lord?
PRAY: the prayer of dependence on the living God, praising Him.
POWER: the power of the Holy Spirit of God to do what God has planned for you to do.
PREPARATION: the preparation of your heart to serve God by serving others.
The Acts 2 church participated in all the above. They prayed, they received power from God the Holy Spirit, and they were prepared to tell others of what they knew for themselves. (Acts 2:42)
Are you that kind of follower of Christ? If not, why not?
Followers of Christ are called to pray. We are given the Holy Spirit of God therefore we also have the power of God. We are to be prepared to share His story (how He has given us Himself as our Savior) with others.
A crowd gathered in the colonnade of Solomon in the temple in Jerusalem. They gathered because a known lame man had been healed by Peter. And Peter did not let that opportunity go to waste. (Acts 3:11)
Peter had been in prayer (with other believers – for that is what the Acts 2 church did, daily). Peter had been given God’s authoritative power to heal (and he had healed a lame man). Peter had been prepared to tell others of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The crowd that gathered was full of amazement at what had happened to that lame man.
(Acts 3:11)
The importance of meeting together with other believers cannot be underestimated. There is nothing like it…there is connection, there is praying for one another, there is support of each other, there is “family”.
The support emotionally (invaluable), the support spiritually (essential), the support mentally (stabilizing), the support physically (encouraging) and the support socially (healthy relationships established).
Are you involved in a small group of followers of Christ? If not, ask God to show you where there are some already established. If needed, begin one yourself. Ask the Lord to bring other believers into your line of vision. Extend your hand of fellowship! Study God’s word together, pray together; support each other with your prayers and practical helps as far as possible. Involve others; you do not need to “do it all”. Praise God!
Your Prayer! God’s Power! Your Preparation!