Unbelievable Nonsense!
Women’s words are, many times, not believed by the men in their lives. Ask many husbands and they will tell you they double check whatever their wives tell them. Is it wrong to check out the facts? Of course not. But it can be demeaning to doubt what is being said with the tone of voice and body language.
How do you treat your spouse? Do your actions and attitude “put them in their place” by doubting the truth of their words?
The following Scripture is interesting…consider the men’s attitude toward the women who had gone to the tomb of Jesus:
The women
(NASB) Luke 24:10 “Now they were Mary Magdalene and Joanna and Mary the mother of James; also the other women with them were telling these things to the apostles.”
The women told the men about what they had seen: an empty tomb. They told what they had heard: two men in shining clothing had told them that Jesus had risen.
The apostles
(NASB) Luke 24:11 “But these words appeared to them as nonsense, and they would not believe them.”
Jesus resurrected? No Way! There had to be another explanation. Did the women go to the wrong tomb? And the two men were they crazy or fanatics about Jesus? Did the women hear what they wanted to believe? Unbelievable, and it was pure nonsense!
And the women? They knew what they had seen (they had gone to the right tomb!), they knew what they had heard (Jesus was resurrected!), they knew that these apostles would know at some point that they (the women) were correct in what they had reported. They also knew that they probably couldn’t change these stubborn men’s minds…the apostles would have to find out for themselves!
Whether you are a man or a woman, how do you react to another when they tell you a fact? Do you doubt what you have heard and have to check it out for yourself? Not a problem. But the problem could be an attitude that demeans the other.
When you are checking out the facts…what attitude do you use?