Spending Sacrificial Time with Jesus
(NASB) Luke 22:14 “When the hour had come, He reclined at the table, and the apostles with Him.”
Normally these men and Jesus would have celebrated Passover with their families.
What did following Jesus entail for these twelve men during this particular Passover?
They were sacrificing their time with their families on this very important Feast day. Not only were the men affected, so were their families.
Was this the usual thing that happened during the Passover for Jesus and His disciples?
No. This is the only time we read in Scripture that it was celebrated in such a manner.
What could be a reason for Jesus to desire this time to be alone with His disciples?
It was the last opportunity for Him to teach them valuable truths apart from the crowds and apart from the very real threat of arrest.
When you and I study God’s word and as we pray, we are sacrificially spending time with the living God of the Bible.
Blessing upon blessing ~ peace, deep joy, changed attitudes, changed motives, a changed life results.
When was the last time you intentionally spent time with Jesus? Just the two of you?
Spending Sacrificial Time with Jesus
Blessing! Jesus desires to continue to get your attention and mine to listen to His teachings.
Blessing! The words of the living God convince us of sin which we need to confess and from which we need to repent. Forgiven! (1 John 1:9)
Blessing! Time spent with God in a time of quiet, being consciously in His presence.
Blessing! Refreshed and readied to go into the world in which we live.