Jesus was talking with His disciples and they said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!” (Luke 17:5)

  Do you need to pray that same prayer?  I do!

  “Lord that also is my prayer for me and for the person reading this devotional right now. Lord, increase our faith!  Amen.”

  Jesus gave an example of how much faith is needed by His followers:
 (NASB) Luke 17:6 “…‘If you had faith like a mustard seed, you would say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and be planted in the sea’; and it would obey you.”

  Jesus spoke of the smallest of seeds as an example of the power of faith in God and His power to answer prayer.

  Where does your faith need to grow in the Lord for Him to hear and answer your prayers?

  Here is a partial list (what can you add to this list?):
*Increasing faith that God does hear and answer my prayers
*Increasing faith in the truths of God’s word in the Holy Bible
*Increasing faith in the living God for He knows what is going on in the world and He is in control for His purposes to be fulfilled
*Increasing faith ~ is expanding, growing in your faith in the living God.

“Lord, increase our faith!”