Imprisoned John the Baptist had a question which only Jesus could answer.  So John sent some of his followers to Jesus with an important question: “Are You the Expected One, or do we look for someone else?”

  If Jesus had given them an answer He could have been lying or trying to deceive John.  Out of His understanding of where John was physically, emotionally, spiritually, Jesus gave an answer.  Out of His understanding, His love and His mercy, He answered that crucial question by His actions.

(NASB)Luke 7:21 “At that very time He cured many people of diseases and afflictions and evil spirits; and He gave sight to many who were blind.”

“Seeing is believing” and John’s disciples “saw”!
“A picture is worth a thousand words” and Jesus’ actions were living pictures.

People’s lives were greatly impacted by Jesus’ answer to John the Baptist as He proved that He was the Expected One of God…Messiah!

Jesus was believable.  His actions were proof of His identity.
How have the actions of Jesus impacted your life?  His actions took Him to the cross so that you could be healed and given life forever and ever.  Have you received that greatest of gifts?

A picture is worth a thousand words…what “picture” of Jesus do you have?  Do you “see” Him as your Savior, Redeemer, the Rock on which to build your life and your thinking?  How do you “see” Jesus?

Where are you going for answers to your crucial questions?  John the Baptist went to Jesus…have you?